Many people have lived in this country for their whole life but haven’t thought about how hard it can be for some people to get in. Here are three facts about immigration you may not have picked up:
1. More People Legally Enter the United States Than You Might Think
A lot of political groups rally about illegal immigrants and other such people that enter the country illegitimately. For all that there is concern about that, a huge amount of people enter the country legally every day. About fifty one thousand immigrants come in from China each year, for example, while a staggering one hundred and seventy six thousand people immigrate from Mexico to the US annually. Compared to the huge US population, that may not seem like a lot, but it certainly adds up because…
2. More Than One Fourth of the United States Population Was Born Elsewhere
The citizens of the United States of America certainly weren’t all born there. Roughly twenty seven percent of these people were born on foreign shores and immigrated back here. Family based immigration forums help people to plan out the move and figure out the procedures in place to help them legally undergo migration to USA soil and, for example, get a family based visa. These family based immigration forums and the immigration process have worked for so many people, yet they aren’t perfect. There are a lot of people who fall through the cracks, which is why…
3. About One Fourth of Immigrant Children in the US Are Not Citizens
It is touted that roughly seventy five percent of immigrant children have been able to attain citizenship. That seems like a very positive statistic. Three whole quarters of the population did it! But on that same note, twenty five percent have not been able to attain it. Even with all the free immigration lawyers around, it is hard for these immigrant attorneys to help everyone. What do you think about immigration? See this reference for more.