Has your patented material been infringed upon? Are you seeking legal action? If so, you may be seeking a lawyer to aid in your patent litigation case. You may also want to consider consulting with arbitration or mediation services to try and work out the case without going to trial, which can (in many cases) be a bit less expensive. We specialize in commercial cases that involve extensive and comprehensive litigation services and try to blend the best of arbitration services with litigating in United States courts. We handle class actions the same way they would be handled under FRCP 23, including certification, notice, and settlement — except when modified by the parties.
What Happens With Patent Litigation?
If a patent is infringed upon, the most obvious course of action is to pursue patent litigation. In many cases, the plaintiff is up against a large corporation or organization with many resources at their disposal. Even if the plaintiff has a valid patent and a very strong case, patent litigation suits can be difficult, and it’s important to have the right people on your team when pursuing such a suit. Having a good lawyer and arbitration service on your side can really make all the difference.
There are a few different scenarios for a patent litigation case. In the case of an injunction, you may be able to get an injunction that orders the infringing party to cease and desist creating or selling the items that are using the patent. These are rarely permanent, though they may put some pressure on the infringer.
The plaintiff may also receive money for damages from the infringer as a means of compensating lost payment. In other cases, a smart and resourceful law firm may be able to negotiate a settlement with the infringing party and arrange a licensing agreement that gives the plaintiff royalties and other monetary compensation for use of their patented item.
Mediation is another course of action that will settle the case and can help avoid going to an expensive trial or risking appeals of the verdict.
What Sets FedArb Apart From the Rest?
We have all the benefits of arbitration (judge selection, speed, confidentiality, cost efficiency, customization, and enforceability) and are familiar with the federal court system. We have a roster of 50 former federal judges who are experts in a variety of legal areas and efficient FRCP-based procedures. We can also offer the support of case managers to help parties seven days a week. We offer extended morning and evening hours and our practitioners have a high success rate.
You want a legal team that’s tough, resolute, and won’t back down. We can help zero in on the best strategies and arguments and we can help you use mediation to narrow down issues and settle the case once and for all. We have experience in both private and public sector investigations and can contractually limit arbitration. We offer high quality and efficient dispositions.
Our cost makes financial sense for cases that have high economic stakes and that are worried about predictability and timelines. We are governed by our Board of Directors and have a FedArb Council that has at least five Participating Arbitrators at all times. With every proceeding, FedArb personnel work as support staff to the arbitrator and make sure they’re complying with the rules and FedArb rules.
If you’re facing a patent litigation case and want your legal team to be as strong as possible, come see us for arbitration services. We can help set your case apart and offer tough, hard-hitting, and applicable advice to your case.