Divorce can be a strenuous process. The emotional toll can be devastating to any family, especially the children. Couples engaging in a divorce can end up spending lots of money when it?s all said and done, and most people don?t know that there are more peaceful options available to lessen the emotional and financial debt that many are left with. A trusted attorney will make sure you have the best team available to guide you through as amicable a divorce as possible. During what is known as a collaborative divorce, a certified attorney assembles a team of neutral professionals associated with every aspect of divorce to ensure that mutually beneficial agreements are reached on both sides without having to go into a courtroom. This is often a strong alternative to a contested divorce because it lowers conflict and improves the ability to co-parent when children are involved. The couple has more control over the end results as opposed to a judge, and it generally takes a shorter amount of time to complete. Any good lawyer will encourage couples to seek marriage counseling as an alternative to divorce, but a collaborative process has proven to be the healthiest choice once the decision has been made to move in that direction.
The collaborative divorce utilizes a trusted attorney and a team of neutrals who have a stake in resolving matters that benefit both parties quickly and fairly. The greatest benefit of this style of divorce is that even if the couple involved are not able to work peacefully toward resolution, the hired team of professionals make sure that the process runs smoothly. Here are the neutrals that are generally involved in a collaborative divorce and their roles in the proceedings.
The Divorce Attorney
Each party hires their own trusted lawyer, however, instead of working against each other, they work together to draft reciprocal terms. Finding a lawyer with expert legal knowledge who has been certified by the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and is a member of a local collaborative law alliance is the best thing you can do for your family when embarking on this alternative journey to a more harmonious divorce.
The Psychiatrist
It?s important for the children involved in a divorce to process their feelings and have someone to speak freely about them with. The psychiatrist, and sometimes the social worker, acts on behalf of the children as well as the parents to relay expectations that everyone can agree with. This professional initiates terms that ease the process of co-parenting once the divorce is final.
The Accountant
Studies show that couples who disagree about money every week are about 30% more likely to divorce than couples who do so a few times a month. A neutral accountant takes a look at bank statements and spending habits to determine the terms of splitting and selling property, spousal support, and all other finance-related matters. Their terms are based on the reality of the couple?s financial situation, and both trusted attorneys on either side must go over those terms with their clients and come to a decision.
Depending on collaborative law to successfully transition from legal separation to divorce is the most beneficial option for families. Tension and disagreement should never come before the needs of the child or children or the peace of mind of the individuals. You have the option to remove a third party from controlling your life and collaborating with a trusted attorney and their team of neutral professionals to give everyone what they want and need for future cohesion as a co-parenting family unit.