Life can get complicated very quickly.
From a car accident to the need to file for bankruptcy, the need for an attorney becomes quickly apparent. You may be the best parent in the world, but you likely do not have the skills that it takes to navigate the repercussions of a child injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s carelessness. You may be the hardest worker at your factory job, but you likely do not have the knowledge it takes to navigate the complications of filing bankruptcy. For these difficult tasks, the need for an attorney is evident.
From accident claim lawyers to disability lawyers to divorce lawyers, finding the legal help that you need during the most challenging times of your life can be a very good decision. Consider some of these times when Americans find themselves in need of an attorney:
- Lawsuits that result from vehicle crashes make up 20% of federal civil personal injury cases; 13% result from products liability injuries; and 10% result from medical malpractice.
- In a recent Harvard University study, medical expenses accounted for nearly 62% of personal bankruptcies in America.
- Fewer than 25% of Americans have enough money in savings accounts to cover at least six months of expenses if an emergency occurs.
- Estimates indicate that 75% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and 27% of Americans have no savings at all. These percentages represent some of the people who might be at the greatest risk of a future bankruptcy filing.
- Getting the legal advice that you need is important if you want to attempt to get the best result from the most difficult times in your life.
- Even though fewer than 4,000 are arrested, each day people drive drunk almost 300,000 times.
- The success rate for Chapter 7 bankruptcy claims is over 95% when an attorney is involved.
- Slipping on slick floors is the cause of 85% of worker?s compensation claims.
- California, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, and Ohio are the top five states with the most bankruptcy filings in 2014.
- Only 2% of personal injury tort cases ever go to trial. The largest majority of the rest are handled outside of the courtroom, often with the help of legal teams.
- Maximum average compensation for an employee who damaged one arm at work in the U.S. amounted to approximately $169,880 as of March 2015. Although this amount may seem significant at the time, it may not go very far in filling salary gap that you may incur. Doesn’t it make sense to get legal advice before you agree to a settlement.
- Personal bankruptcies are increasing. In fact, in the year 1980 businesses accounted for 13% of bankruptcies. Today, they only account for about 3%.
- Legal advice from experienced attorneys can help you be better prepared for difficult complications. Without a legal representative looking out for your best interests, you might end of accepting a settlement that will not help you meet your future needs and challenges.
- In the year 2012, 48% of the 5.7 million people who began collecting Social Security benefits were retired workers; 35% were survivors and dependents of deceased workers; and 17% were disabled workers.
- Can you afford to not get legal advice? In the event of an accident on the job, your employers attorney may try to get you to settle for a decision that is in the best interest of the country, but not in your best interest.
- Approximately 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices while driving at any given daylight moment across America. These drivers are putting you and your family at risk.
- The yearly cost of civil lawsuits to the U.S. economy is $239 billion.
- Estimates indicate that 64% of aged beneficiaries received at least 50% of their income from Social Security in the year 2013.
- Disability is a growing concern for many Americans. In fact, studies indicate that just over 25% of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before they even reach the age of 67.
When LIFE GETS COMPLICATED it is often in your best interest to make sure that you seek the necessary legal advice. If you have been the victim of an accident or you are facing a messy divorce, it is important to have your own legal representatives looking out for your best interests.